Monday 20 March 2017

17 febru 2013 III paper solution



5.            Psychoanalytical theories :

(A)      tend to emphasize historicity

(B)      suggest that human nature is universal
(C)      are totally unconcerned with the relationship between history and human nature
(D)      believe that although human nature depends upon family ties and the nature of the family, it has nothing to do with political and economic change
7.            The Renaissance held more aloof from .............................. in England than in Italy or even in France.

(A)      Music

(B)      Plastic Arts

(C)      Architecture

(D)      Historical writing

8.            Ethnic issues cannot be raised in Shakespeare’s :

(A)      The Merchant of Venice

(B)      Othello

(C)      The Tempest

(D)      Hamlet
the issues of race, to which the dramatist applies in such plays as Titus Andronicus, The Tempest and Othello, provide a new vision on the impact of these races on cultural and social life of English people.except
(A)      The Merchant of Venice

(B)      Othello

(C)      The Tempest

(D)      Hamlet

9.            The Merchant of Venice is Shakespeare’s :

(A)      Early comedy

(B)      Mature comedy

(C)      Tragi-comedy

(D)      Romance
10.         Identify the source of these lines : “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships
And burnt the topless towers of
Ilium ?
Sweet Helen, make me immortal
with a kiss.”

(A)      Troilus and Cressida

(B)      Dr. Fanstus

(C)      Tamberlaine

(D)      Sejanus

11.         Francis Bacon was influenced by :

(A)      Aristotle

(B)      Machiavelli

(C)      Plato

(D)      Erasmus

12.        The hero of Milton’s Paradise Regained is :

(A)      Satan

(B)      God

(C)      Christ

(D)      Adam


13.        Dryden’s All for Love is an adaptation of :

(A)      Webster’s The White Devil

(B)      Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi

(C)      Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida

(D)      Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra
14.        Dr. Johnson used the term ‘metaphysical’ to refer to :

(A)      religious themes in poetry

(B)      the concerns with spiritual matters in poetry

(C)      the poet’s ability to yoke ideas in unprecedented अभूतपूर्व manner

(D)      advocating for the material aspects of life in poetry.

15.        The Restoration brought the major drift towards .......................... interests in the social and literary world.

(A)     Religious

(B)      Cultural

(C)      Political

(D)     Civic and national
18.        The following works of Defoe can be chronologically arranged as :

(A)      Robinson Crusoe — Captain Singleton — Colonel Jacque — Moll Flanders

(B)      Robinson Crusoe — Captain Singleton — Moll Flanders — Colonel Jacque

(C)      Robinson Crusoe — Moll Flanders — Captain Singleton

— Colonel Jacque

(D)      Robinson Crusoe — Moll Flanders — Colonel Jacque — Captain Singleton

19.         Whose satire is primarily founded on his cynicism ?

(A)      Wycherley

(B)      Congreve

(C)      Etheredge

(D)      Dryden

20.         Who shows his genius for recreating the past ?

(A)      Sir Walter Scott

(B)      P.B. Shelley

(C)      Thomas Moore

(D)      Thomas Campbell

22.        Identify the poet who has written many “Visionary” poems :

(A)      S.T. Coleridge

(B)      Robert Southey

(C)      Lord Byron

(D)      Robert Burns
23.        In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen challenges the conventional class distinctions by showing that :

(A)      Mr. Gardiner, though a trader, is a perfect gentleman

(B)      Wickham, the son of a steward, has better manners than Darcy, the aristocrat

(C)      Caroline Bingley is to be condemned for looking down upon Mrs. Bennet

(D)      The gentry do not have to work for a living
25.        Which of the following is not characteristic of Arnold’s poetry ?

(A)     Suavity

(B)      Wistfulness

(C)      Serenity

(D)     Strong passion
25.        Which of the following characteri-stics best describes Thackeray ?

(A)     High moralism

(B)      Clear-sighted realism

(C)      Weak narration

(D)     Strong propaganda

26.        In which novel of his, Fielding reverses the situation in Richardson’s Pamela ?

(A)     Joseph Andrews

(B)      Jonathan Wild

(C)      Tom Jones

(D)     Amelia

30.         Who among the following was not associated with the revival of the verse drama ?

(A)      T.S. Eliot

(B)      W.H. Auden

(C)      J.B. Priestley

(D)      Christopher Isherwood
31.         Who remarkably changed the literary taste after the 1st World War ?

(A)      T.S. Eliot

(B)      W.B. Yeats

(C)      Louis MacNiece

(D)      Stephen Spender
32.        One of the following anthologies by Yeats is recognized as a turning point in the poet’s attempt to modernize his poetry ?

(A)                        Michael Robartes and The     Dancer
(B)      The Tower

(C)      Responsibilities

(D)      The Wild Swans at Coole
33.        The following plays of Bernard Shaw are satires on social attitudes towards sex relations :

(A)      Back to Methuselah, Major Barbara

(B)      Androcles and the Lion, Arms and the Man

(C)      Mrs. Warren’s Profession, Man and Superman

(D)      The Devil’s Disciple, The Man of Destiny
34.        Conrad’s method of putting together materials from the point of view of several persons :

(A)     is similar to Impressionism in Painting

(B)      means a lot of unnecessary repetition

(C)      creates contradictory versions of truth

(D)     prevents us from arriving at objective truth

34.        Molier’s Alceste is engaged in :

(A)     only a hopeless love affair

(B)      a potential duel

(C)      a court case

(D)     love affair, duel and court case
36.        James Joyce in A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man shows the development of Stephen as a :

(A) Sensitive young man

(B)  Conformist

(C)  Revolutionary

(D) Army recruit

Which author from the following discusses sexual deviations विचलन freely ?

(A) C.P. Snow

(B)  John Wain

(C)  Irish Murdoch

(D) Laurence Durrell
39.In Orwell’s 1984, surveillance पाळत ठेवणे is not performed through :

(E)  Police

(F)   Telescreen

(G) Tape-recorders

(H) Mind-reading

40.         Neo-classicism developed the notion of :
(A) Reflection

(B)  Resemblance

(C)  Verisimilitude

(D) Mimesis

42.        T.S. Eliot’s criticism provides :

(A)      a new theory of literature

(B)      a reinterpretation of certain writers such as Dante, Donne and Dryden
(C)      a justification for imagery and symbolism

(D)      a new assessment of classicism and romanticism

43.        Plato and Aristotle considered :

(A)      the end of tragedy in different ways
(B)      the nature of tragedy in similar ways
(C)      the soul of tragedy in similar ways
(D)      tragic hero and his fate
44.        Canons of literature was one of the major concerns of :

(A)     modernism

(B)      post-modernism

(C)      feminism

(D)     black literature
54.        In a multilingual society :

(A)     a single language is used on all occasions
(B)      different languages are used depending on the types of functions
(C)      each language is used for different functions
(D)     the choice of a language for a particular function is made by an individual
55.        Error analysis and interlanguage are notions related to :

(A)     the interference of the first language in second language learning

(B)      wrong learning strategies

(C)      the errors made in using the first language

(D)     the lack of linguistic competence

56.        The central message of Goethe’s

Faust is :

(A)      He who strives is never lost

(B)      One must be punished for adultery
(C)      Worldly pleasures are worthless

(D)      One should not give into sensual
and material tempta-tions
58.         Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard deals with :

(A)      the rise of the working class

(B)      the decline of the Feudal order

(C)      the need to emancipate serfs

(D)      Love triangles


59.         We associate the term ‘audience alienation’ with :

(A)      Bertolt Brecht

(B)      Luigi Pirandello

(C)      August Strindberg

(D)      Samuel Beckett

60.         In Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Emma falls in love with :

(A)      Homais

(B)      Binet

(C)      Rodolphe

(D)      Justin

61.        The sea-sky dichotomy in Where Shall We Go This Summer refers to the dialectics of :

(A)      being and becoming

(B)      this world and the other world

(C)      the self and the other

(D)      man and woman

62.        Meghnath Vadham Kavyam by Michael Madhusudan Dutt :

(A)      Sings of the adventures of Rama

(B)      Sings of the weaknesses of Meghnath
(C)      Subverts the character of Rama
D)    Questions Meghnath’s loyalty towards Ravana
63.        Who among the following has used Indian philosophy extensively in his novels ?

(A)     Mulk Raj Anand

(B)      R.K. Narayan

(C)      Raja Rao

(D)     Bhabani Bhattacharya

64.        Jugga disrupts the plan of killing of Muslims travelling to Pakistan by train because :

(A)     his beloved Nooran was travelling in the train

(B)      he was secular-minded

(C)      he did not believe in retaliation

(D)     he was a follower of Gandhi and his non-violence

Raja Rao’s Comrade Kirillov deals with
A.       the rise of the communist movement in India
B.       the life of a Russian philanthropist
C.       split personality of an individual
D.       the friendship between India and Russia


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